Access Reframed aims to educate, advocate and enact change towards greater access for creators and audiences in the film community nationwide. Making media accessible is too often approached as an afterthought, with only compliance in mind.


“Simply put, inclusion, diversity, and equity must absolutely include accessibility.”

From cost barriers to seemingly complex technologies, creators, presenters and funders find themselves in a constant conversation about who is responsible for meeting access needs such as captioning, ASL interpretation, audio description, and more. This project intends to approach the challenge from a place of collaboration, reframing accessibility as a societal value that's good for business.


What are the goals?

We seek to educate creators, exhibitors, funders and policy-makers in three areas: 

  1. The challenges faced by d/Deaf and disabled filmmakers and audiences.

  2. The existing solutions that are available to address accessibility shortfalls.

  3. The reasons that collaboration across stakeholders is necessary for change.

We want to build something that lasts. Beyond Year 1, the steering committee will continue to engage key stakeholders in the film and media arts ecosystem, as well as advocate for change in culture, practice, and policy to reframe accessibility.


Current Projects


Past Events

Accessibility Resources





2020 is the 30th anniversary of the hard-fought Americans with Disabilities Act. Access Reframed is interested in both incentivizing accessibility, AND in shifting culture and values around access and equity through every step of a film’s journey.